Each of our NC Discount Propane savings group members gets a free leak and safety test and is handed Duty To Warn materials when we first initiate service. This information is repeatedly provided to customers.
We are also going to email all of our members and place our Duty To Warn safety information on our website (HERE) and social media pages, too (click icons below to access) several times each year!
Please remember that as the owner of your propane tank and equipment, it is your responsibility to keep those items maintained and in safe working condition. We offer, and many companies offer safety inspections and maintenance for your propane equipment.
In case of a propane emergency, you should call our current subsidiary for NC Discount Propane which is Superior Plus Propane, most of you are supplied by Stallings Propane out of Middlesex NC the local office number, 252-966-2098 during business hours, you would speak with one of their CSR’s. After hours, you would speak with the Call Center.
You can also use 1-87SUPERIOR (1-877-873-7467) and remember to let us know if you call in a request for help here at Bill@ncdiscountpropane.com (919) 263-9061
Keep these numbers handy with your other emergency numbers, and remember that there may be fees for labor and parts when technicians respond to emergency safety and service calls.
If you smell propane or have other equipment malfunctions, you can call these numbers or dial 911 if the situation warrants.
Everyone should have carbon monoxide and fire detectors in your homes and have devices that can also run on battery power in case you ever need to use propane during a crisis or disaster.
In the case of propane leaks, it is best to evacuate structures and areas to get people and pets away from the affected areas until professionals or emergency responders can respond.
It is recommended that you do not work on any propane lines, tanks, or equipment yourself, but you should rely on certified professionals for such work.
Here are more resources for you to review.
Propane Safety Articles and Videos
Residential Warning Signs
If you can’t light or keep the pilot lit in your hot water heater, there is most likely a safety feature working to warn you that there is a problem. Turn off the gas and call your local DLE office.
If the burner on your range is not blue there may be a clog that needs servicing immediately. Turn off the gas and call your local DLE office.
If You Think You Smell Gas
DO NOT turn on or off light switches, appliances or thermostats
Evacuate everyone from the building immediately
Shut off the gas supply from an outside tank
Call your local propane providing office or fire department immediately from a telephone outside of the building and stay outside
Because propane is denser than air, if you have a leak, it will settle on the floor in areas that are not properly ventilated. Any ignition source could cause an explosion.
Prevent Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in your Home
Make a visual check of your vents to make sure nothing is blocked. Soot in and around a vent cap can be an indication that there is a problem with blockages or seals.
When experiencing flu-like symptoms, leave the house to see if they clear up — if they do, there might be a carbon monoxide leak in your home.
Open flues when fireplaces are in use and make sure that all doors on wood stoves fit tightly.
VENTILATE whenever possible.
Purchase a CO detector for your home from a local hardware home improvement store. Be sure to change the batteries on a regular basis!
Visit our Blog: Carbon Monoxide Safety Tips for more information.
e hope that all NC Discount Propane savings group members will put safety first and take time to make sure everyone in your home is familiar with the hazards and safety steps associated with propane use.