All new customers, please remember not to pay the delivery ticket left by the propane truck driver but do pay our emailed invoice that arrives a few days later with your 1.99 or 2.09/gallon rate!
All existing customers, please be advised that our propane suppliers and our NC Discount Propane group are receiving a high volume of calls for fills at this time, which can cause delays.
We are sending this email because several of the new orders we have received have tanks with low levels! (Some folks are calling it too close)
People are reporting, myself included, that our tanks have dropped more rapidly than expected in this cold weather. (which we should get a short break from this week). <<---
Please check your tanks immediately if you are not sure of your current level and make sure you call or email us if you go below 40%! (anyone under 70% may order to be on the safe side)
Especially in Western NC, where snow and ice are complicating and slowing deliveries.
We are so thankful to each of you for spreading the word about our NC Discount Propane, which as of today is far below the statewide average of $3.35 per gallon and we are still getting calls from consumers who say the big companies are charging them $5+ per gallon and letting them run out!
We have currently filled 81 of the 100 slots we need to fill for new savings group members, so please keep posting links to our site and passing around our phone number to friends, family, and neighbors by email and on Facebook, Twitter, and sites like Nextdoor.
We need those 19 new customers as soon as possible to stay on course.
Reply to this email if you want to schedule a new fill, which could take up to 7 business days (Jan 31-Feb1)
Let's all work together to get all of our valued savings group members through this toughest part of Winter well-supplied, safe, and warm.
NC Discount Propane
(919) 263-9061
14460 Falls of Neuse Rd., Suite 149114
Raleigh, NC 27614