Warning all NC Discount Propane savings group supporters!
We just got word tonight that Williams Fuel, a branch of Superior Plus out of Tarboro, NC (it was called Stallings), which we rejected for next year, is trying to destroy our savings group.
They just sent emails offering our NC Discount Propane customers a special "locked-in rate" for $1.99/gallon through 2025 with 25 free gallons to boot! They got your contact info from us as our supplier for the last two years. (The year before that, our supplier was Thompson Gas)
Their special one-season rate is only for NC Discount Propane customers.
Superior tried to raise our group base price .29 cent per gallon and add fees to deliveries telling us we should charge you for the increase, and when we refused and told them we would look for other bids, they swing in trying to bait you to go with them directly in a bid to knock NC Discount Propane out of business.
This same company was selling propane for $2.50+ per gallon last season as you paid only 1.94-1.99 per gallon through our savings group because we've worked hard to build up our group and to negotiate better group rates and service for us all.
If many of our savings group members take Superior Plus agents up on their "special offer", NC Discount Propane will no longer be viable, will have to close shop, and we will all find ourselves without a cheaper option in the future.
Or we could get a contract for gallons we can't sell because Superior's tactic to keep you with them worked.
NC Discount Propane is currently negotiating with several other propane suppliers to get another great rate for us all for the next 12 months.
We hope to have a new deal for your soon and we hope that all of you will stand united and under no circumstances buy your propane from Superior Plus or any of their subsidiaries.
No matter what happens, please do not reward Superior Plus / Williams for trying to pull the rug and backstab us with your propane business.
They are making their take-down play right now, and if you take the bait, all that we have built together could be lost.
If they contact you, please let them know you do not appreciate their slimy attempt to wreck your propane savings group and tell them to remove you from their list.
Hopefully, I will have news for you all soon about a new deal to keep our propane prices low through a new supplier. Sometimes it can take into August.
Stand strong, and please stand together!
NC Discount Propane
(919) 263-9061
14460 Falls of Neuse Rd., Suite 149114
Raleigh, NC 27614